****Ct for Irish Princess Designs- Emerald Eyes Kit ****

New kit in store called Emerald Eyes.  This kit contains 200 AI elements with the color palette of  Pinks. Greens, Golds, and Whites. It als...

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My name is Jamie Bratcher and i am now 51 years old and I am married and have child who is grown up. My Nic name i use on facebook is PepsiGirl.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
I made these 2 Beautiful Happy New Years tags using Cindy Mape's kit called Midnight Kiss . This kit is a taggers size and comes with 110 beautiful elements including frames and 15 papers . This kit can be used to make a variety of New Year themed tags.  You can find this kit at the following store she sells at below 
****Designer Scraps ****
****Scraps n Company****
****Mystical Scraps****

Monday, December 25, 2017
I Made these 2 cute Christmas Tags using Jill's kit called Dragon Christmas. 
This Kit comes in Full Size and Taggers size and it was very fun to work with .
 It has 123 beautiful purple and black elements including frames and 20 papers .
This kit can be used to make a variety of Gothic Winter Theme Tags .
You can find this kit at the following stores she sells at below.
 ****Designer Scraps ****
****Wilma 4 Ever****
****Digi Style Designs****
****Scrap and Tubes ****

You can find this kit and her other products here on her blog 

Saturday, December 23, 2017
I made these 2 cute Christmas tags using Cindy's kit called Classic Christmas . This Kit was very fun to work with . This kit comes with 
140 beautiful christmas elements including frames and 15 papers. CAn be used to make a variety of Beautiful Christmas /Winter themed Tags. 
You can find Classic Christmas at the following store she sells at below 
****DesignerScraps ****
****Scraps n Company ****
****Mystical Scraps****

Monday, December 18, 2017
I made these 2 cute Christmas tags using Jill's jit called holiday delight kit . This kit comes with 130 elements frames included and comes with 19 papers . This kit can be used to 
make varity of cute christmas themed tags.  You can find this kit at the following store she sells at below 
****Designer Scraps ****
Wilma 4 Ever (Scripts, FS/TS kits, CU and more)
 Digi Style Designs (Scripts, FS/TS kits, CU and more)
 Scrap and Tubes (Scripts, FS kits, CU and more)
 Digi Design Resort (FS kits, CU and more)
 My Memories (FS kits, CU and more)

You can find this kit and her other products here on her blog 

Sunday, December 10, 2017
I made these 2 cute tags using Cindy's kit called Steamed Christmas Coffee. This kit was fun to work with . Comes with 140 beautiful elements and 15 papers frames are included in the kit . This kit can be used to make a variety of christmas theme/and steampunk theme tags. This kit is a musts have to 
add to your psp collection .. You can find this kit at the following store she sells at below 
****DesignerScraps ****
****Scraps n Company ****
****Mystical Scraps****

I Made these 2 cute Christmas tags using Jill's kit called gingerland Christmas . This kit in a full and taggers size . 
comes with 123 elements including frames and 18 papers. This kit can be used to make a variety of cute Christmas themed tags /timeline sets . You can find this kit at the following store she sells at below 
****Designer Scraps ****
****DigiDivas ****
Wilma 4 Ever (Scripts, FS/TS kits, CU and more)
 Digi Style Designs (Scripts, FS/TS kits, CU and more)
 Scrap and Tubes (Scripts, FS kits, CU and more)
 Digi Design Resort (FS kits, CU and more)
 My Memories (FS kits, CU and more)

You can find this kit and her other products here on her blog