****Ct for Irish Princess Designs- Emerald Eyes Kit ****

New kit in store called Emerald Eyes.  This kit contains 200 AI elements with the color palette of  Pinks. Greens, Golds, and Whites. It als...

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My name is Jamie Bratcher and i am now 51 years old and I am married and have child who is grown up. My Nic name i use on facebook is PepsiGirl.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
New kit in store called Emerald Eyes. 
This kit contains 200 AI elements with the color palette of 
Pinks. Greens, Golds, and Whites. It also has 10 frames, 3 word Art
and 30 papers. Can be used to create a variety of St Patrick's Day Themed
customized tags and timeline sets to use on Facebook. Its a must have to 
add to your kit collection . So Hurry on over to check this kit out. 
You can find this kit here at the following store she is selling at below: 
Her Payhip Store: 
Glamours Designs:
Tags I have made with her kit 
Here are some Snags you may Save and use

Friday, March 7, 2025
New kit in store called Magical Fantasy. 
This kit contains the following: 50 AI elements in the color
palatte of Blues, Purples, and Whites. This kit also has 2 Tubes,15 papers 
and 8 Timeline cover backgrounds. Can be used to create a variety of 
Fantasy themed customized tags and timeline sets to use on Facebook. 
You can find this kit here at the following stores she sells at below: 
Her Pay Hip Store: 
Scrap N Company:
Glamourous Designs:
Scrap Designs N Company:
Magical Moments:

Thursday, March 6, 2025
New kit in store called Play the Game This kit is a tagger size and 
contains 60 beautiful AI elements in the color palatte of 
Black, Red Tan, Brown, and white. Kit can be used to create a variety of  
Games themed customized tags and timeline set to use on Facebook. 
Tube is AI generated by DeniseC and is included in the kit. 
You can find this kit here at the following store she sells at 
Her Payhip Store: 

Monday, March 3, 2025
I made these two cute St Patrick's Day kit using 
Charmed Designs Kit Called Sweet St Patty's Day. 
This kit was a wonderful kit to work with. 
This kit contains 75 elements, and 12 paper. can be used to 
create a variety of  St. Patrick's themed  customized tags and 
timeline sets to use on Facebook. Its a must have to add to your 
kit collection, So hurry on over to check it out. 
You can find this kit here at the following stores below:
Charmed Designs-
Glamorous Designs Store-
Scraps N Company Store-
Magical Moments The Store-


Saturday, March 1, 2025
New Matching tube and kit now in store. 
Beautiful tube is called St. Patrick's Pamela and the Matching kit is 
called Lucky Shamrocks by DBD. 
Beautiful tube St. Pamela is a No AI Hand-Drawn quality tube. 
Zip file comes with a psd and psp format  image. 
Her hat, brooch, pot, rainbow are all on a separate layer. 
Zip file comes with colors options with 2 png format images. Object also
comes on a separate layer. Tube size 1954x1400 ( 300ppi)
You find the tube here at the following store link below:
Matching Kit called Lucky Shamrocks 
This kit contains 114 elements, 10 frames 1 word art 
and 24 papers. This kit can be used to create a 
variety of customized tags and timeline sets to use
on Facebook. 
You can find this kit here at the following store link 
Here are the two tags i made with this kit

Thursday, February 20, 2025
New kit in store called Irish Dreamscape.
This kit contains 50 elements,4 Tubes,14 papers and 8 Timeline
papers. Can be used to create a variety of Irish/St Patty's
Day customized tags and timeline sets to use on Facebook .
You can find this kit at the following store links Below:
Her Payhip Store:
Scrap N Company:
Glamourous Designs:
Scrap Designs N Company:
Magical Moments:

New kit in store called Vintage Elegancy. 
This kit is a tagger size and contains 
60 elements with a palatte shades of tan, orange, yellow and 
White. It also has 6 paper and a tube from the artist DeniseC 
and its included in the kit. Can be used to create a variety of 
Vintaged themed customized tags and timeline sets to use on 
Facebook. Its a must have to add to your kit collection. 
You can find this kit here at the following store she sells at 